Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Rendevouz with an Priest

As I mentioned in previous post, my parents had me attend a catholic confirmation course when I was in my high school days. When we were asked to talk to some people about the Bible, I realized that my neighbor would not be enough for an reasonable interview. So I decided to retrace some old roots an interview a priest that would come and speak to our class back in the day. He was pressed for time and in a hurry but i figured with my new open non religious mindset that this would be a short conversation anyway.

I told him about the class I'm taking and that there were a few passages that I wanted to ask him about. I mentioned the Book of Job with the main premise to discuss the wrathful side God. I mentioned the passage "If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures. But if they obey not, the shall perish by the sword, and they shall die without knowledge" (Job 36: 11-12). I asked him why is it that if so many people do obey him, then why are they not living in riches and all of the pleasures of life. His response was almost exactly the same response that one of the priests said in the movie Rudy. He said, "praying is what is expected of us, it is our duty. God answers will come if he decides to." Deciding that was an acceptable answer to that question, I immediately switched to the need to find out about that vengeance. When I would ask him about the latter half of that passage he would immediately change the topic by referring to passages out books from the New Testament in which God is more peaceful and forgiving. He would literally dance around the topic as if he would not admit that God is a vengeful character who will slay someone for not obeying him. He did, however, acknowledge the story of Onan from the Book of Genesis. He said that God will strike down on those who do not obey him.

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